At Mount Olive Lutheran School – A Classical Academy, the mission is to assist parents as they nurture their children in Christian faith and life. Knowing Christ is our faith and life. Since Christ serves us, the school serves parents by using the classical model of the Trivium and Quadrivium (the liberal arts). The trivium and quadrivium is utilized by the teachers to develop the student’s knowledge of facts, ability to analyze and use of reasoning (verbal and written argumentation).
Mount Olive Lutheran School has been blessed in the past with volunteer help. In the past, volunteers have come in to read with the younger students, help with “Rodeo Day” and brought in pizza for the kids to have a rare hot lunch. These are a few examples of the many things people have done to volunteer.
During the fall when the school is selling cookie dough as a fundraiser event, Mrs. Johns is always in need of volunteers to help sort and distribute cookie dough.
Preschool teachers always are looking for help cutting and preparing materials.
Please contact the school to find out if there is an opportunity for you to serve or let the school know if you have a certain talent or blessing you would like to share.
Mount Olive Lutheran School’s 10th Annual Crusader Feast Fundraiser
Preschool Open House
August 31, 2023
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Pop in to learn more about our program, and how we can nurture your child’s early education. Meet the faculty and visit our classrooms. Reservations and private tours available.
Please contact 406-656-2635 for more information.
Tuition Breaks will be given to families with more than one child at Mount Olive. The second student from the same family will receive a reduction in the tuition of $250. The third student from the same family will receive a reduction in the tuition of $500.
ACE scholarships are available for qualifying students. See Pastor McCall for scholarship availability.
Consider donating to our Tuition Assistance Fund.
Your financial support helps all students, to become smart, independent, and critical thinkers grounded in Christ.
Please send your tax-deductible, donation to Mount Olive Lutheran School,
2336 St. Johns Ave, Billings MT 59102, Attn. Donna
Provide your name and address and a tax receipt will be mailed to you.