Mount Olive Lutheran Preschool
Established in 1993
Mount Olive Lutheran Early Childhood Ministry exists to serve parents of the congregation and community by providing a Christian, nurturing environment in which children grow spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally, creatively, and physically.
Visit the preschool on Facebook.
The student will be taught science, math, reading readiness, music, art, and more. Students will participate in daily chapel services led by Pastor McCall. Children will also participate in birthday celebrations, a Christmas program, Book Friends, an annual art show, a spring program, and a graduation.
Class size is limited to 8 in the 3 to 4 year old classes and limited to 10 in the 4 to 5 year old classes. Contact Melissa Fox at 656-2635 for class availability.
Enrolling Now for 2024-2025 School Year
Class Offerings
Enrolling Now
Fall 2024-Spring 2025
Preschool Classes for Ages 3-4
- Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Pre-K Classes for Ages 4-5
- Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:45-2:45 p.m.
- Monday-Friday 8:30-11:30 a.m.
A nonrefundable enrollment fee of $150 guarantees your child’s enrollment spot. Please contact Director, Melissa Fox, at (406) 656-2635 for more information.
Classroom Overview - 3 and 4 year olds
- Learning Classroom Structure and Routine
- Counting and Number Recognition
- Letters, Letter Sounds, and Letter Recognition
- Shape Recognition
- Color Recognition
- A Weekly Color, Number, Shape, and Letter Themes Throughout the Classroom
- Daily Praise Time (Bible Lesson, Singing, Prayer, and Fellowship) Led by our Pastor
- Songs, Finger Plays, Music and Movement
- Writing Skills
- Cutting Excercises
- Classroom Centers – Science, Math, Art, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Writing, Books, and Puzzles
- Learning Self-Help Skills
- Physical Development
- Development of Social Skills- example: Sharing, Taking Turns, Conflict Resolution, and Manners
- Outdoor Playtime
- 2-3 Educational Field Trips per School Year
- Fun, Safe, Caring, and Loving Environment
Classroom Overview - 4 and 5 year olds
- Children gain emotional and social development through peer interaction and group activities, such as learning to share, taking turns, and learning to use their words to solve conflicts.
- Children gain gross motor skills through opportunities to run, climb, jump, swing, slide, dance, etc.
- Children gain fine motor skills through opportunities to cut, draw, paint, write, build, etc.
- Children learn about creative arts through dancing, movement, dramatic play, music, and through artistic experiences.
- Children learn to communicate through peer interactions, story reading, learning the letters and sounds, print development, and writing opportunities.
- Children learn mathematics such as number sense, measurement, patterns, shapes, graphing, etc.
- Children learn science through observing, predicting, and investigating. They learn life science, physical science, earth, space and engineering through opportunities to build and design.
- Children learn social studies by learning about history, people, places, and about their environment.
- Children have opportunities to explore their community through educational and fun field trips.
Enrollment Fee:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday, three days a week
Tuesday/Thursday, two days a week
Monday – Friday, five days a week